Face Reading

Interpretation of character and fate from the study of a person's face is called 'Physiognomy' or 'Face reading'. It is obvious that when we meet an unknown person, we try to understand his feelings by looking at his face. So the origin of Physiognomy traces back to the date of origin of human beings. Indications of a person's progress in yogic path are described with respect to Physiognomy in Hindu text 'Svetasvatara Upanishad', composed earlier than 500 B.C. According to Hindus, Samudra (deity of oceans) have first given 'Anga Samudrika' (Body language). King Prahlada has contributed a lot to this subject.

Socrates(470-399 B.C.) was a great physiognomist. The first book on Physiognomy 'Displaying the Secrets of Nature Relating to Physiognomy' was written by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.). As it was mentioned by Marco Polo, the Arabs also practised physiognomy. Physician and philosopher Avicenna (980-1037 A.D.) has written about Physiognomy in his book 'De animalibus'. Michael Scot(1175-1232 A.D.), court astrologer to Emperor FrederickII, also composed a book 'De hominis phisiognomun', which was printed in 1477 and became best seller for years together. Italian doctor d'Abano(1250-1316) also wrote many books on both Astrology and Physiognomy. During sixteenth century many authors have written books on this subject. Gerolamo Cardano, born in Italy in 1501, wrote many books on Medicine, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Astrology, Dream Analysis, and Physiognomy. Cardano believed that a person's character and fate are symbolized by the shape, lines, and markings of his or her forehead. He wrote a total of 13 books on the subject of forehead reading. In 1586, Porta published 'De humana physiognoma' in which he compares the likenesses of human beings to certain animals. He says if some one resembles a particular animal, he will also have the same tendencies and temperament of that animal. Kaspar Lavater(1741-1801) was regarded as the founder of the modern Physiognomy for his tremendous work in this subject. Later on Cesare Lombroso has made this subject more popular.

ancient Indian Face reading Samudric Shastra

This very ancient Indian system, called Samudric Shastra in Sanskrit, is named after the first propounder of this subject, Samudric Rishi. A person's personality and character can be assessed, and inferences about past lives made, just by observing the shape, size and configuration (ie morphology) of the body. For example - an oval, triangular, square, rectangular, circular or rounded face; broad or narrow chest; long or short trunk; thin, hooked, broad nose ; thin or thick lips; fleshy or bony body type ; symmetrical or asymmetrical body division - these all have different meanings according to the system of Physiognometry.

At the time of death, your karma, body and genetic characteristics and present state of health are all encapsulated with the soul. During your next life again these characteristics reappear according to maturation of your karma or progressive development of your life.

A good understanding of physiognometry is helpful in many life situations where you need to relate well with others - in business, friendship, love affairs, diplomacy, professionally, in family life...using this technique can assist you in determining the temperament of the person, without asking any questions!

A Physiognometry reading with Acharya Rajesh should prove an interesting and enlightening experience, providing yet another angle to thinking about the mysteries of your life and human life in general.

By observing the face of a person as a whole, we can get a keen idea of how his life would be in general, starting from childhood till his old age.

1. Parents region:

The position where the hair starts at the top of forehead represents parents and the person's relationship with them. If this area is smooth and shining, the person's parents are fortunate in matters of health and career and the person's childhood is filled with happiness. If this area is indented or with dull skin color then the person's parents face troubles during his childhood.

2. Career and Success region:

We have this area below the Parents region and above the eyebrows. If this position is good, gently rounded and bright, it represents good career prospects and early settlement in the career. If this area is indented or hollow and dark in color, it shows the person's intelligence will not help him in his career and misfortune from his 21st to 25th years.

3. Life region:

This area lies between the eyebrows. If it is firm, bright, gently rounded, then it symbolizes a successful career after 27th year of age. It represents a friendly person with positive attitude towards life. If the space between eyebrows is wide and eyebrows are thick the person earn good money and his longevity is also good. If the eyebrows are closer and there is a hair line connecting the two eyebrows, it is a sign of negative mind who is obstinate and unforgiving. If this Life region is dull or any colors found there, it represents unhappiness in career and poor health.

4. Middle age region:

This region starts at center of the eyes and covers till the end of the nose tip. Any cross lines, patches and black spots in this region represent ill health and problems with the spouse in the middle age.

5. Love and Emotional region:

This is the area below the two eyes. If this area is bright, bulgy and rounded, the person will have deep emotional involvement. He or she will fall in love easily and whole heartedly. If this area has wrinkles or low and not smooth, then the person faces failures in love affairs due to selfishness or over indulgence.

6. Fertility and children region:

This area represents the groove which connects the nose with the center of the upper lip. This is also called philtrum. A long, broad and deep philtrum indicates good fertility and ability to have children. It also represents long life. When the philtrum is low or flat, it represents less energy and childlessness. A short philtrum represents early death.

7. Old age region:

This is the region below the lower lip which is also called the chin. If this area is strong, rounded and spacious, it represents happiness in old age after 60th year. If this area is low with a weak jaw and dark hue, it indicates unhappy and friendless old age. It also represents dangers of drowning, poisoning, and food or water born diseases.

Shapes of faces:

  • Round shaped faces are also called Moon faces. They represent laziness, lack of energy, imaginative and jovial persons. They love good food and highly domestic.
  • Square shaped faces are called Earth faces. They represent a tough and aggressive person, offensive and sociable. They are suitable for works where more muscular energy is required.
  • Rectangular faces represent a honest, diplomatic and leadership qualities. They are suitable for professions as top level executives and officials.
  • We can also have triangular faces. An upright triangle which starts with narrow area at the forehead and comes down widening, represents Fire face. This is a symbol for anger, low talent but boastful, and rough person.
  • An inverted triangle which becomes narrowed at the chin, is also called Air face. This signifies a cheerful, bright temperament, hyperactive and sensitive person. This type of face indicates disturbed married life.


Face reading is a basic practice which identifies the main characteristics like honesty, intelligence and reliability on any individual. Face reading can suggest you the immediate most important information which is beneficial for you or your family. We practice face reading just through facial features reveal. As a most preferred face reader, we can provide you the exact information about you’re your relatives and family and suggest solution of your problems.

Gurus of India
  • Name:    Acharya rajesh
  • Field:    Astrology, Face Reading & Dreams
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